WASHINGTON, D.C. — Tiber Hudson is proud to announce that the firm has earned Midsize Mansfield Certification Plus from Diversity Lab. The award of Midsize Mansfield Rule Certification Plus status recognizes law firms that are truly committed to increasing diversity and inclusion. The law firms seeking certification must complete a rigorous 18-month certification process with Diversity Lab that requires increasing diversity in recruitment, promotions, pitch opportunities, governance, and leadership. Mansfield Rule Certification measures whether law firms have affirmatively considered at least 30 percent women, underrepresented racial/ethnic groups, LGBTQ+ lawyers, and lawyers with disabilities for leadership and governance roles, equity partner promotions, formal client pitch opportunities, and senior lateral positions. Mansfield Certification Plus status indicates that, in addition to meeting or exceeding the baseline certification requirements, the firm has successfully reached at least 30 percent underrepresented lawyer representation in a notable number of its current leadership roles.